All posts by simplyopinionated101

The End of AP English III

I didn’t think this class would affect me as much as it did. I thought that if i got a good grade in this then it would boost my GPA as long as I kept up with my other classes. I have always loved English and every single English teacher I have ever had has been amazing, so far. I connected with the people in my class, which I never thought I would do simply because I had heard about how “snobby” or “fake” people were when they thought they were smarter. I obviously have a different opinion now because we are all students and the only thing that had seperated me from being an AP student before was the fact that I was not willing to push myself to be better. I thought that if I just tried cheating more or if I just took more tutorials to make my teachers like me, then I would do a lot better in my old Honors classes. 

Yes, it was hard. It was not a walk in the park, but I learned that sometimes jogging can make the expietience worth while. 

English III – AP Class of 2K16! 

Define: Transenditalism 

Basically, Transenditalism is being one with yourself and knowing that nature can help you unlock that point of understanding. 

The big OG of Transenditalism is Ralph Waldo Emerson and he was the one who wrote the idea down while Henry David Thoreau, also an important dude, actually tried to live out in the wild for two whole years to verify Emerson’s claims, and the third G is Walt Whitman who was just a super chill guy that was lighthearted about life because we had reached the point of true acceptance of himself. 

I personally think this is an interesting belief. The thought that all we need to do is understand who we are as individuals to be able to work together is beyond what I had ever thought and it makes me wonder what would happen if people took the time to work on themselves rather than worrying about others… Maybe meditating and just being grounded can help others take the time to reflect on themselves. I don’t, however think that people should have a distrust of society but rather the common sense to know that it’s corrupted and not join into the mayhem… 

Take the time to realize what you are and who you are before you go off telling others who they are. 

No E

this was hard…


Not all individuals show signs of common logic. 

My sibling, for illustration, always wants to run and jump on big rocks and, in conclusion of this occurance, fall down and come to show a tiny injury. This child will cry for six full hours without trying to call upon our guardians for support. I am laughing and adoring that instant in history for it shows that I own a higher quality of common logic than that of my baby sibling. 

Days had grown into nights without a flash of calm in our family from the point that my baby sibling found that stupid rock. All of us confirm that a “random” rock must abruptly transport away from our portion of land. 

My sibling is now sad and lost, but most of all, tranquil. 

In Continuation… 

~~little note before reading, just remember that not all holes are meant to filled ;)~~


I remember the darkness. And then suddenly, it was light. 


The cold of the operating table is gone now and the crumple paper from my jeans is the only thing I can see now. I keep repeating the words in my head and I still find myself confused. 

1265 Grapes St. No. 3948. Jump. 

Why? What does this mean? It’s funny how the most familiar feeling thing to me is also the most foreign. I peeked out of my huge trench coat to look at the people around me. 

I was on a freaking train! I heard many families with screaming children, for it was much too foggy to see anything, but I was in another car with three other people who stayed to themselves. An elderly woman who was sleeping, a shady teenager who I swore was smoking but I couldn’t smell anything, and a fat businessman who was playing a game on his phone and eating chips.

I don’t know how I got here and this godforsaken handcuff was digging into my skin. 

Oh, sorry I causally forgot to mention that I had a freaking briefcase handcuffed to my arm! At least I woke with the trench coat, a few sizes too big by the way, that hid the small case at my side. I’m not sure why the train propel should let me get on looking so suspicious, but for all I know they are the ones who put me- wait, I’m still not sure if I walked here myself or not. 

Well duh you idiot they aren’t gonna let some dude drag your unconscious body onto a family train. 

Sometimes my own sass pisses me off. 

I pulled out the note again and re-read the meaningless words over and over again, but I still couldn’t understand. The beginning was obviously a street name, but I didn’t know where I was so Thad useless and the numbers could be the combination to the briefcase, but when I tried it nothing happened. ‘Jump’ kind of scared me because I am deathly afraid of heights. 

The stupid Wisdom Teeth Dentist Mafia are gonna pay for drugging me. 


Five. Freaking. Hours. The windows were so foggy I couldn’t see anything. There was nothing to do and I didn’t trust anyone because I read somewhere that the Mafia is always watching and I guess I’m luck enough to be chosen for what I could only conclude to be a mission. 

But why me?! I’m only 17, my SAT scores aren’t the best, I bully my little brother, and I have a bad habit of telling at the tv when characters do stupid things. Nothing special about me! 

I had gotten past the point of panicking and now all I could do was try to remember what caused me to be here but nothing was coming up. 

“Last stop Grapes Street, have a wonderful night ladies and gentlemen and… Others… We will continue to drop off those who have…” I stopped listening to the overhead when I heard the name. I didn’t think that trains actually said the name of streets, but whatever, I think I need to be there. 

I was about to press the release button on the double doors and demand some answers from the Mafia when I felt a hand on my shoulder. 

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” The teenager boy scolded. 

“Leaving obviously,” I tried to sling find a way to hit him in the nuts with my hidden briefcase when I heard a soft windy noise behind me. 

The doors open and what I saw changed my life forever. 

There was nothing there! 

Wind whipped my hair all around my face and I screamed. I couldn’t see the ground but I knew I sure as hell want on the ground. 

“Dang!” He growled, “Whatever, you’re gonna miss you street if you don’t go.” 

“Go?!” I shouted in disbelief at his ease, “There’s nothing out there!” 

He game me a deep laugh and told me, “Jump!” 

I don’t really know why he told me to do it if he was going to push me off the edge anyway. I fell. 


I tried to scream but my voice kept getting ripped away by the wind. 

This is the end. This is how I’m going to die. I want Bruce Wayne to twerk on my grave stone, and I want Beyoncé to shed a million dollar tear on it too, and Trey Songz… 

“Will you shut up already! Of course they would send me the one person who had never been in the Rails before…” I heard the voice of Jesus scolding me and I began to feel guilty. Did I ask for too much? “Stand up will you? You’re safe!” 

I had registered that I was on soldid ground, but my screams continued and my eyes stayed closed. 

I heard a sigh and a stinging pain on my jaw. 

Did Jesus just slap me?! 

I opened my eyes and was met with a young boy who was pissed to the max. 

“Hurry up the Bods had been waiting on this case all day!” He pulled me up from the ground and I got my first chance to look around. Everything looked normal. Normal humans, normal houses, normal non-foggy sky (even though I thought the overhead lady said it was the last stop)… I was tugged on in shock by the boy. 

I didn’t one I what’s going on but I had a feeling that if I tried to figure it out I would die so I channeled all the confusion into speed in order to keep up with the boy. 

The case? Did he mean this briefcase? And who’s Boss? The Densits Mafia guy? 


I learned that the boys name was Carter and he hated slow movers. 

“Almost there,” he instructed for the fourteenth time.

“The hell we are I’ve been walking for a full twenty minutes you idiot and you still haven’t told me anything! What does the note mean? How did you know I would be there that particular time?” My question spilled out and, like always, he said nothing. 

I decided to just keep going until I found my answers. 


The Mafia had a pretty sweet house. We arrived at the mansion about an hour ago and Carter had left to go speak to “the Boss”. 

I swung my legs like a crazy person in a huge chair in the official dinning room. This whole situation was happening so quickly and yet I was still trying to act sane! Does that truly make me crazy? 

“Carrie! Finally you’re home, how was the densist?” My fathers voice boomed from the dinning doors. 

“Daddy?” I was hell confused now. My own dad was the head of the Wisdon Teeth Dentist Mafia?! I think I was in the motion of passing out because he came running and caught me. 

“Are you all right? I didn’t think that you were going to take the Rails to get here! I would have prepared you tea since you hate them so much.” I didn’t know what to do so I just stared at him. “Hey whydid you take my coat before you left? I need it for work and what posses you to take my case with you?” He scolded while he took the coat off and unlocked the cuffs and case with a code. 

“The cuffs have a code?” I think my mouth is on autopilot because there was no way I actually game time to make a full complete sentence. 

He sighed, “Id love to sit and chat, but I have a meeting you made me late for, and your mother wanted to know why those dishes were not done last night.”

“B- but what about the note? And why don’t I remember everything that happened after the dentist office?!” Nothing was adding up and I was beginning to tear up in panic. 

The smile he game me made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. 
“Not all mysteries are meant to be solved kitten.” 

Technical Difficulties

UUUGGGGGHHHHH this is just not my week. 

I’m suppose to comment on some people’s blogs but the app, and the website, keep saying that I need my password in order to comment and whenever I try to send the whole “change your password” email thing, it does not send it to my email. I’ve been trying to get this done before the weekend because I will not have access to a computer til Monday and the app keeps crashing on me. 

If anyone knows what to do to fix this without having to start up an entirely new blog please tell me! 

Sorry about my technical difficulties. 😦 

Oh Ellioson

Ellison’s Interview

“There is no United States” (2:25-2:27). Wow. 

Ok let me start off by saying this was a long interview, considering I was really tired when I watched it and forgot we had a blog post due, but it was cool how he was so upfront with everything he had to say. 

Now back to the beginning quote. He had no shame sharing his opinion about the inequality that he was expressing on when he spoke upon Kansas City, Kanas and Kansas City, Missouri. Two cities that he referes to a Twin Cities have such different racial views and they cannot coexist within the same country because that does not make them United and that’s what I think he was trying to explain. He was saying that if people really wanted to make a difference about something as major as racial politics, then they would need to be of one mind and work together to achieve this goal, and that’s what the Unites States was suppose to be about: states coming together to make decisions as a whole. But Ellioson is shinning the light on the fact that if we cannot work together to stop what is obviously a dividingfactor among those very states, then the United States is not so United. 

Obviously it was an interview and he had to answer the questions honestly, but as I watched on he just states that people are complicated because of the fact that they will weigh his words in terms of race and and not the quality of what he is trying to express (3:49-3:55). I feel like this reflects the unnamed narrator’s situation within the Brotherhood and back when he made his made his first speech in Ellsion’s only finished novel simply entitled Invisible Man. It reflects the Invisible Man because no one really cares about what he had to say, but rather they just knew that they need a black guy to look like he was in power when he was truly a puppet for the people to watch hike the “big dogs” were out doing their own hidden agenda and Ellsion is making it known that he is speaking for himself and that he is no puppet to be displayed just to make it seem like a situation such as race in the United States is being delt with if it is not really making any progress. 

So basically Ellison is amazing and it is a shame that he was not able to finish his last novel entitled Juneteenth. 

If I had a furry companion…

(I’ve never had a pet and for anyone who has lost one I’m deeply sorry and wish you the best)

I wish I had a dog. 

I love to cuddle and eat and watch movies and play around so I feel like having someone else around to hang out with me and listen to me rant about stuff without really caring would be amazing. 

I’m an only child so it gets a bit lonely at times when both of my parents are at work. Even if the dog doesn’t really like just lazing around, like if they’re hiper and weird all the time, that’s fine too because just having that feeling that someone else is there with me would be enough. 

Sadly, we aren’t able to have one now because we go out of town a lot and I think it would be unfair to friends and family to just made them take care of him for me. 

Sure, dogs are cute and loyal, but also having that responsibility of taking care of someone other than myself will be very beneficial to me because I’ve never had to care for anyone but me. 

I’m planning on getting one in the future and I can’t wait to make a new bestie. 

*deep sigh*

‘Disgraceful’ University of Oklahoma fraternity shuttered after racist chant –

You guys… It’s not over, it may never be over. 

What gets me the most about the whole OU thing is the fact that people have evidence that this is not their first Greek organization that has expressed these feelings, but the wait until it is CAUGHT ON CAMERA to say anY thing about it. What happened to that zero tolerance for this behavior? Did they mean zero tolerance for this behavior if it is ever exposed to the world outside the campus? That seems to make more sense to me. What also makes me pissed is the fact that the campus has much more pressing issues like abuse and sexuality disrespect and they let racism seem way more important than that. What? Are you saying that if a female student was raped, as long as it had nothing to do with any type of racism, it would have been disregarded? Also, there are other races! It makes me so mad because people think racism is just about black people and it’s not! What if the song was about Hispanics and not blacks? That’s still a major issue and yet everyone would only focus on the black racism because it’s the most offensive. Again, what? How dare people push other important issues to the side at anytime in history. 

*sigh* But I’m not about to sit around and be another mad black person about these things, although I could go on and on about my previous paragraph without a stutter. I’m only 17 and I can hold myself in a conversation about race and not get offended. It’s the people who get overly offended by black racism that are the problem. If you are going to get mad over every person who says  nigger (that’s what it is, so stop trying to hide it by saying N word, we are not 9 year old kids learning a new cuss word, we know the history and can accurately use the term in an educational and informative way), well then you’ve got a hell of a lot of anger to deal with. That’s just the way the world works. People have strong opinions about one particular thing and your job is not to change their minds about it, but to change their minds about how they show it. I don’t care if you’re a racasiat SoB, I really don’t, but once you broadcast that in a time where people are trying to put it in the past, you’ve created trouble for yourself. 

The fact is; racism will never die unless people stop being so defensive about it. Sure I feel like those boys should have gotten in trouble, but it’s mainly because of the fact that the display was disrespectful to the campus as a whole (though some people on the bus were singing as well but I will leave that comment untouched because I am not entirely sure and will not waist time pointing useless fingers). The black people there would be outraged, but also the people who are trying to put the past behind them and move on to better times. 


There once was this really ugly duck that my brother found in our backyard, but the duck turned out to be really mean and almost ate his face off, so my brother (who is now super old but at the time was around 17) freaked out and tried to kick it to my mom, but then she started screaming and crying because she thought he was going to kill the duck (which I thought as well but was conflicted on whether or not the situation was funny enough to laugh so I just judged from a distance); however, my brother simply cussed the bird out and started running away and the moral of the story is don’t try to smack a duck in the butt because then you will have to deal with some annoying mom-crying and a deflated ego.

HEEEEYYYYYYYY GUUUUUUYYYYYYSSSSS that was long, but it was hella funny to write because I’ve never had to simplify the story before so there ya go and so byyyyyyeeeeeeeee