SOTUA by Obama

Alrighty, just to put this out there, I’m not big on political stuff… Like at all.

Obama’s speech is all about the economic improvements of America. He spends most the beginning talking about how far America has gone compared to the past, and then it begins to lead into what we can improve on. He wants to raise the wages and narrow the gap between the upper class and the middle class and make the first two years of college free and all that cool jazz, but some of it makes me step back and think. If the wages are high, does that mean the prices of goods would go up and therefore the lower class would still not be balanced out with the middle? Or does that mean that everyone would have a little extra money in their pocket? There was also mention of taxes being cut down in the childcare department and I think that’s pretty cool, because children should always be the priority of any country, considering they are the people who will be representing it for the years to come. The idea of free, for the first two years anyway, of college makes me think about how much further we would need to go for more prestigious areas of work.

Another thing… Is World War 3 about to happen? Ok maybe not that dramatic, but are we really going to fight ISIS? I don’t really know much about the group exactly, but the idea of going back to a foreign land to fight so soon after Afghanistan kind of makes me wonder… The thought of him saying that he would veto anything that goes against Obamacare is kind of dictator-y to me but it’s not too crazy so it’s not that bad.

I know it feels like I’m just listing things, but I honestly don’t know how to approach this in a way that doesn’t take hours of your reading time to understand. Basically I feel like he wants to inform the people of his ideas, give them a little time to process it, and then put it into action.

“Sometimes you just gotta tell ’em something that kinda really don’t make any logical sense and hope they nod and never speak of it again”
~my Aunt Wilma

Lady Lovelace

**HEEELLLOOOO ALL. I’ve been gone for awhile but I have returned with random knowledge for ya’ll… so enjoy ~SimplyOpinionated101**

Born in the 1800’s (1815-1852) Ada was a simple child of a poet that grew up to find love in the future Earl of Lovelace. As the Founder of Scientific Computing (which is constructing mathematical model and analysis techniques while using computers to solve scientific problems) Ada King was anything but a slacker. Charles Babbage, a lifelong friend to Ada and also known as the inventor of the Difference Engine, was a strong supporter who helped Ada in her quest by creating a unique calculating machine. She wanted to create devices that could handle letters and symbols all at the same time and it formed into her thoughts on what computer programmers now call “looping” which just means that the engine coil repeat a series of instructions at a time.
Ada lived a tragically short life due to her cancer at the age of 36 (her only true setback) and a few years of her death, her love for Babbage’s Analytical Engine showed through her publication of Sketch of the Analytical Engine, with notes from the Translator. Her notes had been so detailed that they inspired Alan Turing’s makings of the first computer years later.